With the holiday season past and spring just around the corner most of us find ourselves springing into action to get that seasonal cleaning done in order to prepare for warmer weather.

So if you find yourself sorting through piles of winter clothes , cleatning out the tupperware drawer or tackling that overcrowded garage be sure to stop in to Adopt A Video first.

As you know we have all the hottest new releaes days and even weeks before the competition! This mean you will have plenty of choices on what do watch.

But what do movies and cleaning have to do with eachother you ask?  Well who likes to sit around working on a not so fun task in silence?! Throw in your fav new movie while folding laundry or reward yourself at the end of a long work day with one of our Oscar winning rentals. You could also grab 3 movies for 4 days for 10 dollars enjoy them while the rains pour out side , melting the snow and warming up the cold winters air.

Either way , a good movie can make it a great day.

See you soon

While most are reveling in conversations surrounding topics like " who wore what?" instead of "who won what?" We are taking a closer look at the latter , as well as our inventory.

And we feel Oscar Worthy at this point. With a wide selection of New Releases having won academy awards and even more having been nominated we are sure you will be able to find something to watch.

So stop in and start you own Oscar Mania, with snow comming in tomorrow and most likely more before the official start of spring; why not grab a couple of Oscar winners , or even Nominees , take a seat and enjoy a nice Oscar worthy marathon.

     Not just another documentary. Escape fire brings an eye opening view to the argument of what is really going on with the health and well being of Americas Citizens.
     From over priced health care to under priced healthy food and everything in between , Escape Fire shows what citizens can do to help fight the ailments that plague today's civilazation.
    Using the famout quote by Hipocrates " Let thy food be thy medecine and thy medecine be thy food." Escape fire takes approx. 99 minutes to convey the quite basic idea that we have all been ingnoring. It's not the pills and the surgery that will make us healthy; it's the way we treat our bodies on a daily basis.
       Focusing on a "eastern medicine " point of view , this controversial documentary opens our eys to something amazingly simple. That being, our health care system in backwards. Rent it today to find out more . 

What do you think about documentaries?  Would you consider renting this movie? Why or why not?